In the event that you cannot make your own medical decisions, it is important to have a plan in place that includes, family, friends, and health care providers.
Consider the following when putting a plan in place.
Communicate Your Options
Voice your wants and what you think is best with your family and loved ones. This helps them to understand your wishes and reduce the chance of conflicts in the future.
Choose Your Healthcare Representative
Decide who you want to make your primary health care decision maker. Consider someone who respects your values, beliefs, and concerns about your care.
Speak to Others
Talk to other individuals who have experienced difficulties with dealing with a disability or similar situation. It can be helpful to talk to someone you trust about how you wish to face death or a disability.
Seek Help with Planning
There are a variety of different professionals that you can reach out to such as Lawyers, Social workers, or even clergy members who can help you create an advance directive.
These resources will help individuals gather the necessary information they need so quality care can be delivered.
Physician’s Orders For Life- Sustaining Treatment (POLST)
Physician’s’ Orders for Life- Sustaining Treatment is an order based off of patient’s wishes to either provide or deny life-sustaining treatments.
The National Hospice And Palliative Care Organization
The organization provides free resources to help people make decisions about end-of-life care and services before a crisis.
Advance Directive For Health Care Decisions
A guide to Maryland law on health care decisions, including necessary forms.
Common Terms
Power of Attorney
The Power of Attorney Form will give legal authority over your finances, limited or broad. You can obtain this document from an attorney or private online company.
Representative Payee
Appoint a Representative Payee who will help with managing your benefits.
A trust will give someone the rights to your property. It could also be set up as a power of attorney. Consult with an attorney if you are considering a trust.