The AD: 8 Washington University Dementia Screening Test was developed to compare signs of normal aging to potential signs of mild dementia.
This 8-question screening can be used by an individual or their loved one prior to scheduling a full screening with a primary care provider or healthcare practitioner.
This screening tool may be completed by an individual concerned about their cognitive health or memory. It may also be completed by an adult family member, friend or any other person who knows an individual well and about whom they are concerned may be having cognitive issues
Reprinted with permission. Copyright 2005. The AD8: The Washington University Dementia Screening Test (“Eight-item Interview to Differentiate Aging and Dementia”) is a copyrighted instrument of Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. All Rights Reserved.
The AD8 has been validated for completion by a person themselves or an individual who knows them well. It has been validated on various racial and ethnic groups and in multiple languages, including Spanish, French, Portuguese, Norwegian, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian and Tagalog (Filipino).