Live Well, Age Well
This section includes resources about managing chronic disease, engaging socially, and mental health.

Healthy Lifestyles
Healthy aging is aided by a lifestyle full of physical, mental, and social activities. A variety of activities that engage your body and mind are available through Senior Centers and community centers in every county across the state. Activities that may be available near you or online include:
- Fitness Centers
- Yoga and Tai Chi
- Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Screening
- Arts programming
- Book clubs
- And much more!

Managing Chronic Disease
Health promotion programming is offered through Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and associated senior centers throughout Maryland.
Programs are offered to promote health and prevent disease by teaching self-management of chronic conditions, falls prevention, and providing assistance with numerous other health challenges.
To learn more about available programs, contact your local Maryland Access Point office or learn more at their website.

Visit the Living Well Center of Excellence website to learn more about programs available across the state to manage chronic conditions, prevent falls, and reduce depression or find a class on the Be Healthy Maryland site.