Maryland Medicaid programs and waivers provide community services options as an alternative or a delay to accessing care in a nursing facility. A brief overview of available programs can be found below.
Learn more about these and other options by visiting the Maryland Department of Health’s Long Term Services and Supports webpage and reviewing the Bluebook Guide to Home and Community Based Programs.
To get started, contact your Maryland Access Point office and request a Level One Screen.
Community First Choice
For Maryland residents of all ages, living in their home, in need of support with activities of daily living, such as bathing, grooming, dressing, and accessing the community.
Community Options Waiver
For Maryland residents, in a nursing facility, aged 18 and over who need assistance with activities of daily living, like bathing, grooming, dressing, and getting around. It provides services such as assisted living facilities, medical day care, personal assistance, home-delivered meals, and supports planning.
Community Personal Assistance Services:
For Maryland residents, living in their home, who need personal assistance and nurse case monitoring to assist with simple activities of daily living like personal hygiene, bathing, and meal preparation.
Brain Injury Waiver
Maryland’s Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Individuals with Brain injury provides specialized community based services to adults with brain injuries who meet program eligibility.